Hounds App Project

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What Hounds App?

Hounds is a cafe for present and potential dog owners alike! Fans of Hounds can mingle while having the ability to see and learn about the latest rescues and purchase merchandise via the store or web. We would like to become a staple of the community by doing our part bringing the enlightenment of dog lovers outside and seeing the neighborhood's beauty. Also bringing history to this location while adding values and milestones. My team was responsible of developing the website, and I managed people in each task, and help to develop the website as well.

The Logo Construction

The logo construction is a paw and inside it has a human interacting with their dog, it's a stong logo and match the value of our store. I was responsible for the logo creation, and that's the message I want to bring for our customers connection, bond and coffee

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Our Merchandise

A storefront with merchandise would be a nice touch for the site and could generate more revenue outside of local visitors. It’s not a requirement for a coffee shop but would be a nice extra feature. A reservation feature could also be implemented to give customers the ability to reserve a certain number of seats beforehand.

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